Saturday, May 24, 2008

No break up with Ranbir says Deepika Padukone

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has refused the news of break -up with Ranbir Kapoor. She says “, She was very happy with the relationship and she has a smooth going with Ranbir Kapoor”.

During a visit to Dubai as a brand ambassador of real estate company she accept”,yes I have a boyfriend”.

While asking about her love life, the beautiful actor said you had to understand to tackle with rumours. She says”,There is a lot of rumours everyday but there is a need to tackle with with these rumours”.

This sexy actress Deepika, made successful Bollywood entry with director Farah Khan’s Om Shanti Om opposite Shah Rukh Khan in 2007 ,was earlier seen in Kannada film ‘Aishwarya’ in 2006,after getting success as ramp model. Now she is working on Nikhil Advani’s Chandni To China,with actor Akshay Kumar.

Deepika Padukone
Deepika Padukone

Zee Cine Awards brought together Ranbir kapoor and Deepika Padukone

Bollywood fresh couple Ranbir kapoor and Deepika Padukone are going through tough time as both have very heavy schedule and both of them are busy in their shooting. Zee cine awards brings good time for them as they were able to meet each other.

Ranbir kappor is shooting Bachna Ae Haseeno and Deepika Padukone is busy shooting Chandni Chowk To China in Bangkok. But Zee Cine Awards provide them golden opportunity to spend sometime with each other. Both of them took from their schedule to attend the occasion in London.They have a good time at the show as they sat nearby and cherish every moment.

Deepika Padukone
Ranbir Kapoor

Anushka Sharma in Aditya Chopra’s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

Deepika Pukone has become famous after her debut film with Shah Rukh Khan in Om Shanti Om. She has moved ahead with Chandni Chowk to China. An another model is following deepika padukone to establish in Bollywood industry. Anushka Sharma is the lucky girl to be casted in Aditya Chopra’s Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi opposite Shah Rukh Khan. The king of romance, Yash Chopra is already impressed with Anushka Sharma.

He tells the media”, We were seeing for one who has the spirit of small town Punjab and Anushka has it to fit in the movie. Even though she doesn’t have any acting experience in past her unique spark has made us confident that she will do well opposite King Khan”. Shooting of film starts from May 16 and rock the screen on Dec.12.This is just the start for Anushka lets up she also will be famous and has big plans as Deepika Padukone has now.

Anushka Sharma
Anushka Sharma

First Look: Chandni Chowk to China

When Akshay Kumar goes to China, we can expect some pumping action and loads of comedy. Yep, the Jackie Chan style. Check this poster from Akshay Kumar’s forthcoming movie Chandni Chowk to China (previously known as Made in China). The movie is directed by Nikhil Advani, who directed Kal Ho Na Ho and Salam-E-Ishq. Well, the big names do not end here, because Deepika Padukone plays the lead heroin. Akshay, Deepika and Nikhil, what do you think? Yep, it’s huge! As per some reports in the media, Chandni Chowk to China’s story is that of an Indian cook who goes to china in search of work.

Chandni Chowk to China

Akshay and Deepika in Housefull

Akshay Kumar, Deepika Padukone, Ritesh Deshmukh and Jiah Khan would star in Sajid Khan’s second directorial movie Housefull. Sajid Khan said that the movie would be a multi starrer romantic comedy. He also added that he is looking for another girl to play the third female lead in the movie.

Akshay Kumar HousefullDeepika Padukone Housefull

After Chandini Chowk to China, Housefull would be the second movie for Akshay Kumar and Deepika Padukone pairing.

The movie looks exciting, but I’m 80% sure that it would be a Hollywood rip-off. Why am I 80% sure? Well, couple of days back, they were showing ‘Three Men and a Baby’ on TV, and from what I saw (first 30 min), Sajid Khan had lifted scene by scene (and even dialogues) for his Heyy Babyy. I always thought that if Sajid Khan ever made a movie, it would be innovative and something out of the world. Well, I have this impression because of his shows on TV where he criticizes almost everyone on how they shamelessly copy Hollywood movies. It seems that Sajid is no different than the regular Bollywood directors.

No matter from where they copy, I’m excited to see Akshay Kumar and Deepika Padukone in Housefull.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Deepika Padukone - Interview

deepika padukone
Om Shanti Om girl Deepika Padukone is annoyed with the press for publishing stories about her romantic link-ups, saying they will dent her reputation and cause future embarrassment.

'The media needs to be a little restrained. I am a simple girl and from a respectable family. And loose talk about me harms my reputation,' Deepika, who will be seen in Chandni Chowk to China, told IANS in an interview.

'One day, like any other girl, I intend to settle down and have children. How would those write-ups look at that time? I'm so glad I've found a man who comes from the same space and understands the pitfalls of sensational journalism.'

Deepika, who was apparently seeing cricketer Yuvraj Singh at one time, is now reportedly set to tie the knot with Ranbir Kapoor.

Ask her why she and beau Ranbir went public about their relationship, Deepika said: 'Because this is the first time I've actually and truly fallen in love. Being in love is the loveliest feeling. When two people are getting close they need time to understand one another.'

Both of them will be seen together for the first time on screen in Bachna Ae Haseeno.

Excerpts from an interview:

Q: Post Om Shanti Om (OSO) how has your life changed?

A: All this is very new for me. My father (bandmintom champ Prakash Padukone) was also a celebrity, but we were never exposed to media coverage. Before I went into the modelling profession, I did go into my dad's profession - it was the expected thing. I played badminton at the national level. But I realised my heart was set on modelling. Movies weren't even in my range of vision. But after two years of modelling, I started getting film offers I was only 18 then. I didn't want to jump into anything.

Q: What took you down south?

A: You mean my Kannada film Aishwarya? I am from Karnataka and it was directed by a young and talented man, Indrajit Lankesh. And I was paired with a huge Kannada star, Upendra.

Q: Did you speak your own lines?

A: Yes, I did. I learnt Kannada in school. Farah Khan had already offered me OSO. But we were to shoot a year later. So I did the Kannada film.

Q: You remind me of Aishwarya Rai.

A: I'd take that as a compliment. I grew up watching her. When I was in school I remember how thrilled I was when she won Miss World. Ash and Sushmita Sen are people I've admired.

Q: What do you and Ranbir talk about?

A: Well...we do know what's going on in each other's careers. But otherwise we try to keep cinema out of our conversation. We try not to get into one another's workspace.

Q: It's amazing but both of you started your careers in Hindi films as fierce rivals in SaawariyaOSO?
A: That rivalry was more media-created than anything else. Comparing me with Sonam Kapoor was so uncalled for. We come from two totally different spaces and we started differently. She assisted Sanjay Leela Bhansali. I come from the modelling world. And our debut vehicles are so different. Fortunately, we were too involved with our own projects and had no time to think of each other as competition.

Q: You started with Shah Rukh Khan as a co-star. Can it get any bigger?

A: I hope it does. Initially, I was very nervous about working with him. But Farah and Shah Rukh made it very comfortable for me. We did readings together, we met socially so that we were comfortable when we faced the camera. He's again someone I grew up watching.

Q: He kept making those uncle jokes.

A: He was just being kind. I'm really glad I came in at a time when there're so many co-stars to work with - from Shah Rukh and Akshay Kumar to Neil Nitin Mukesh and Ranbir and Harman Baweja, who's coming into films this year.

Q: You have acquired the reputation of being extremely choosy.

A: Yes, every project takes up so much of your time. You've to be sure of what you're doing. So often I say no because I don't have the time. I meet every director who wants to meet me. I do consult my parents. It would be unfair to distance them from my career just because they aren't part of the entertainment industry. But the final decision is mine.

Q: How do your parents react to your link-ups?

A: It used to affect them initially. Now they're fed up reading new things every morning. We've decided to continue with our normal lives.

Q: Is the image of the boyfriend deserter hurtful?

A: The media needs to be a little restrained. I am a simple girl and from a respectable family. And loose talk about me harms my reputation. One day, like any other girl, I intend to settle down and have children. How would those write-ups look at that time? I'm so glad I've found a man who comes from the same space and understands the pitfalls of sensational journalism. I feel after a point no one will take these write-ups making a tamasha out of my life seriously.

Q: Why did you and Ranbir decide to go public about your mutual feelings?

A: Because this is the first time I've actually and truly fallen in love. Being in love is the loveliest feeling. When two people are getting close they need time to understand each other. I've reached an age when I can't be in a frivolous relationship. Linking me to so many men at a time when I wasn't sure about my feelings was unfair.

Q: Did the earlier link-ups collapse because of the excessive attention they got?

A: Quite possible. At the end of the day it was just destiny that I was meant to be with Ranbir and we're very happy together.

Q: Do you get time to be with each other?

A: We try to be together as much as possible. We did a film together, 'Bachna Ae Haseeno'. That's when we got close. We had met and interacted earlier, but we didn't get a chance to know each other well enough. He was busy with his film. I was busy with mine. We were under all kinds of pressure. Everything became very messy. In Australia, when we shot together we started afresh. We almost met like two new people. There was no baggage to be carried forward from the past because even in the past we didn't part bitterly.

Ranbir, Deepika engaged to be married!

deepika ranbir

It’s official. Bollywood’s "it" couple Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are engaged to be married.

Deepika, whose debut movie Om Shanti Om turned her into a household name, chatted exclusively to HT City yesterday via telephone from Bangkok, confirming that she and Ranbir are engaged to be married.

She spoke about their marriage plans, squashed rumours of a rift and declared that, in five years, she hoped to be “Mrs Kapoor and the leading lady of Bollywood”.

Deepika confessed that Ranbir proposed to her at the time of their debut releases in November last year. “And I happily said yes.”

The couple met a few months earlier. She said she accepted because she was happy, deeply in love and the couple had the blessings of their parents.

“Our parents are happy with our relationship.” With their parents blessings it looks like history may just be repeating itself. Ranbir’s parents Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh met in 1975 on a film set and were married five years later.

She laughed off rumours that her schedule had put a strain on their love. The two squeezed in quality time a few days ago when Ranbir flew to Bangkok where she was shooting Chandni Chowk to China. “We read about the rumours of our split and had a gala time laughing.”

She said some of the rumours had been hurtful. “At times it can be really upsetting. As we are open about our relationship, people should give some amount of respect to our relationship by not cooking up rumours,” she said.

The latest gossip is that raunchy pictures of her with actor Upen Patel, aired on television recently, had deeply upset Ranbir. Not so, said Deepika, “Ranbir has already seen my portfolio and that was a shoot for designer Wendell Rodricks two years back when I was modelling. I am not ashamed of it.”

The star said the couple had learned not to allow such talk to affect them: “It’s ridiculous and now it has stopped affecting us also. We will decide how to conduct our relationship and nobody has a right to take us for granted and write any rubbish about us.”

Deepika said while it was tough being away from him, Ranbir had been supportive and loving while she completed back to back movies. “Ranbir understands as he is a part of the fraternity. The gelling force of our relationship is that we understand each other really well.”

She said they worked at staying in touch. “We respect each other’s... (commitments) and fly down to meet whenever we find time.”

The actress has just completed three movies. Her next release will be Yash Raj’s Bachna Ae Haseeno starring the two lovebirds.

“We had a great time in Australia working together for Bachna Ae Haseeno. We spent some quality time together.” They met through mutual friends when Ranbir was shooting Saawariya and Deepika was filming Om Shanti Om.

“It was love at first sight. We were introduced by a mutual friend and we liked each other but we needed time for our love to grow before we could make a commitment.”

She said they still had a ways to go before they tie the knot. “We are on the threshold of our careers and have a long way to go."

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Deepika: Ranbir is my boyfriend

Deepika Padukone may keep quite when asked personal questions here in India.

But she was not so silent in Dubai. According to reports, she was quite frank and forthcoming in answering the numerous questions the local Gulf press asked her.

She also denied rumours of a break-up with actor Ranbir Kapoor. She said they were still very much an item, and were currently happy with the relationship.

“Yes I have a boyfriend and we are happy,” she supposedly said during a recent visit to Dubai as the brand ambassador of a real estate company. Then why the rumours? “There is always a lot of speculation, but that is something you have to deal with. We are together and I refer to him as my boyfriend.” Deepika is currently working on Nikhil Advani’s Chandni Chowk to China, with Akshay Kumar.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ranbir-Deepika: Head over reels in love

In 1975, Rishi Kapoor was paired with his future wife, Neetu Singh; five years later, they were married. Now, it seems like history might repeat itself with their son! Ranbir is set to romance real-life lady love Deepika Padukone in Vikram Singh’s next flick, Mera Jahaan. The director, however, feels it is too premature to comment. “I have approached Ranbir,” says Vikram. “I don’t want to comment on the casting right now though. I’ll be in a better position to comment next month. I’m a bit superstitious, so let everything just fall into place. I will then give you the full low-down!” Stay tuned.

Deepika Padukone new face of Aspire Real Estate

Dubai’s Aspire Real Estate announced Deepika Padukone as their company’s brand ambassador.

Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone (Om Shanti Om) is the new face of Dubai’s own Aspire Real Estate. The company calls the alignment the union of ‘Rising Stars’.

Aspire Real Estate is the success story of Harshit Kantaria, a young entrepreneur who came to Dubai three years ago with a vision to build a real estate enterprise that would capitalize on the enormous opportunity this city has to offer.

Today Aspire Real Estate boasts an Dhs5.5bn portfolio with developments from Business Bay to Jumeirah Village and Dubai Marina, with a special focus on waterfront properties.

Model/Actress Deepika Padukone’s claim to fame is her debut film ‘Om Shanti Om’ with super star Shahrukh Khan. Deepika began her career as a model and has been associated with some of the biggest international brands in India. Deepika is also the current face of Maybelline cosmetics, Levi Strauss and Tissot SA. Her debut performance was well received, earning the actress a Filmfare Best Female Debut Award as well as her first Filmfare Best Actress nomination.

The association was announced during a press conference where Aspire Real Estate’s existing projects were presented along with their future plans and vision.

Harshit Kantaria, Chairman, Aspire Real Estate commented, “Dubai poses immense opportunities for all, I am glad that we have been successful in capitalizing on them. It is an honour to be referred to as the rising star of Dubai real estate industry, and with a true rising star like Deepika as the new face of the Aspire brand, we look forward to doing justice to the title,”

“I love everything about Dubai, the people, the places, the achievements; it has the best of everything. And when it comes to achievements, I truly see Aspire in the rankings. Harshit is a good friend and a role model for young entrepreneurs all over the world. I am proud to be associated with Aspire real estate and hope to be a part of its future successes,” said Deepika Padukone, Brand Ambassador, Aspire Real Estate.

Aspire Real Estate’s existing portfolio of projects including Jehaan Residences in Jumeirah Village South, Sobha Ivory and The Sanctuary at the Business Bay and Al Dua’ Marina at the Dubai Marina. Besides its own developments, Aspire Real Estate is the exclusive sales agent for several prestigious projects.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I watched Hema Malini films for '70s look: Deepika Padukone

Thrilled with the rave reviews her performance in 'Om Shanti Om' has won, budding actress Deepika Padukone says she prepared for the '70s era character by watching films starring Hema Malini and Helen.

'I watched a lot of films starring Hema Malini and Helen, for instance 'Jewel Thief' and 'Seeta Aur Geeta', to notice how they were made.

'In the films of that time, everything was over the top - the emotions were exaggerated though I enjoy the originality of the '70s era films. The actors were more graceful and their body language was completely different from today's actors,' Deepika told IANS.

'I don't count myself as a big star yet, there is a long way for me to go. I think my father handled success very well and it is in my genes to be humble,' the daughter of ace badminton player Prakash Padukone said.

The actress was here Friday to celebrate the success of Shopper's Stop-OSO line, inspired by the movie at its store in Rajouri Garden in west Delhi.

The doe-eyed actress has struck fame with her debut film and is overjoyed.

'Honestly, when we were shooting for the film I had never thought that it would be a huge hit. I just gave my 100 percent to it.

'Also, when you are working for a film you feel you have given it your best. However, when you later see your work you find so many things that need improvement. I think it is just the start,' said a candid Deepika.

The newcomer is all praise for director Farah Khan for helping her to get accustomed to the camera.

'Farah planned it in such a way that I had to shoot scenes with small dialogues on the first day and gradually moved on to bigger scenes with longer dialogues. It helped me in performing well to a great extent.

'The '60s-'70s fashion is in vogue again. I am completely bowled over by Farah, who dared to use that look in her film. She has portrayed it so well.'

However, the model-turned actress agrees that fashion is completely different in Bollywood and on the ramp.

'There is a lot of difference between fashion on the ramp and that portrayed in films. Though it was a little weird to wear such clothes on screen, but Manish (Malhotra) helped me get the confidence, as we couldn't afford to go wrong with the looks.'
- Yahoo News

Ranbir-Deepika may call it quits!


All is not well between Bollywood's hottest couple Ranbir and Deepika. According to sources, Ranbir Kapoor has dumped Deepika Padukone through email.

Ranbir Kapoor is reportedly offended over Deepika Padukone's steamy pics with Upen Patel. The pics were clicked some years back and and are said to be quite bold.

Even Deepika has not been happy with Ranbir's closeness with Katrina Kaif. Although Ranbir's sister Riddhima has trashed the break-up rumours between Ranbir and Deepika, industry sources say that the relationship of the couple has soured.

According to reports, the couple have become extremely possessive of each other and that's one of the reason why they are not getting along well these days.

A source informs that Ranbir does not like Deepika's interaction with cricketers and on the other hand Deepika is upset with Ranbir's friendship with Sonam Kapoor.

Though the couple have quashed the rumour, the news of their growing differences tell something else. Read this space for more

Monday, May 5, 2008

Deepika Padukone Hot wallpapers

n Hot White Dress For FILMFARE. The young and beautiful actress Padukone has gained stardom with the success of her first film “Om Shanti Om”. Recently Deeps also won a prize for the budding actress. Deepika reveals that she prepared for the 70’s era character by watching films starring Hema Malini and Helen. She told the IANS that “I watched a lot of films starring Hema Malini and Helen, for instance ‘Jewel Thief’ and ‘Seeta Aur Geeta’, to notice how they were made

Deepika padukone wallpapers

Deepika has no time for Ranbir!

The new face of Bollywood Deepika Padukone is a busy bee these days. She is overloaded with work and hardly finds time to spend with her beau Ranbir Kapoor. For months long, she is out of station, shooting in Bangkok for Chandni Chowk to China with Akshay Kumar and did not get free time to meet her boyfriend.

To spend time together in an isolate place apart from work, she even purchased a house close to Ranbir’s residence in Bandra but outdoor shooting restricts her from relaxing in her residence too. She has recently stepped into Bollywood but work is keeping her busy 24/7. Unable to bear the distance from his love for a long time, Ranbir also dropped on the set of Chandni Chowk to China to meet her.

After completing Chandni Chowk to China, she will be off to Venice to shoot a song with Ranbir in Siddharth Anand’s Bachna Eh Haseeno. Immediately after that she would be busy with Imtiaz Ali’s romantic film with Saif Ali Khan. Deepika is struggling between love and work. 365 days seems insufficient for her.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Ranbir romancing Deepika, Bipasha and Minissha in 'Bachna Ae Haseeno': photos

The first look stills of 'Bachna Ae Haseeno' show Ranbir Kapoor romancing leading ladies Deepika Padukone, Bipasha Basu and Minissha Lamba in different makeovers.

Bipasha Basu and Ranbir Kapoor in a still from Bachna Ae Haseeno. Photo Credit: Yash Raj Films

April 24, 2008 (Sawf News) - The first look stills of Bachna Ae Haseeno show Ranbir Kapoor romancing leading ladies Deepika Padukone, Bipasha Basu and Minissha Lamba in different makeovers.

In the romantic comedy directed by Siddharth Anand, Ranbir plays a carefree man who has relationships with these three beautiful women at different times of his life, a role reminiscent of the one played by his grand father, Raj Kapoor, in Mera Naam Joker.

Bipasha appears to be his first love, as the two are seen in youthful makeovers - Bipasaha in a tank top and denims, and Ranbir in cargo pants and Tees.

Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor in a still from ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’. Photo Credit: Yash Raj Films

Deepika and Ranbir are seen romancing each other with the Sydney Opera house as the backdrop, both in western attire - Deepika in a short red halter cocktail dress and Ranbir in black tuxedos.

Minissha Lamba and Ranbir Kapoor in a still from ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’. Photo Credit: Yash Raj Films

Minissha and Ranbir are seen singing and cavorting at a wedding in ethnic attire- Minissha wearing a heavily embellished wedding sari and blouse, and Ranbir in a black achkan.

Katrina Kaif was to act in the film but her role was deleted because the film was getting too long.

The film is due for release on August 15.

Deepika dances for SRK

After the astounding debut in Farah Khan’s Om Shanti Om , Deepika Padukone will be sharing screen once again with her first co star Shah Rukh Khan for Priyadarshan’s Billoo Barber .

Billoo Barber is an adaptation of the story between Lord Krishna and Sudama which will be produced by SRK’s production house Red Chillies Entertainment. Deepika will be paired opposite SRK in the film.

Director Priyadarshan confirms, “Yes Deepika is part of Billo Barber and she will be doing an item number too. We have recently shot Kareena’s item song, while Deepika’s number will be shot in July.”

It is going to be Deepika’s first item number, it will also be used for the promotion of the film. The song will be choreographed by Pony Sharma who choreographs all of Priyadarshan’s movies.

Deepika is currently shooting for Siddharth Anand’s Bachna Aey Haseeno , Nikhil Advani’s Chandni Chowk To Chaina and Imtiaz Ali’s next.

Ranbir Pokes fun at Deepika

Love is… poking fun at the one you love. At least, Ranbir Kapoor seems to think so. The actor has been cracking jokes at the expense of ladylove Deepika Padukone. It all started when she won the Most Promising Actress award at the Zee Cine Awards, held in London on Saturday. Celebrated artist M F Husain handed over the trophy to Deepika.

Is she the one?

Says a source, “The jokes started when M F Husain (usually barefoot, he was spotted in stylish boots!) presented the trophy to Deepika. At the after-party, Ranbir and close friends were heard pulling Deepika’s leg all evening saying she was now going to be M F Husain’s new blue-eyed girl.”

Knowing about the artist’s penchant for B-Town actresses (remember Madhuri Dixit who made him see Hum Aapke Hain Koun? some zillions of times and later Amrita Rao who inspired his several portraits), it is learnt that Ranbir and Co made her out to be the artist’s new muse.

Adds the source, “Initially Deepika took it sportingly but later she got grumpy. By the end of the party, Ranbir was seen trying to make up with Deepika.”

The source continues, “Ranbir and Deepika flew down from Italy to attend the awards. Both were shooting for Siddharth Anand’s Bachna Ae Haseeno but didn’t want to miss it. Sure enough, Ranbir like Deepika also won the Best Promising Actor award.

Deepika has no time for love!

Deepika Padukone has arrived in the industry and how! The lady has no time to live in the city where she has bought a new luxurious apartment for herself!

Post Om Shanti Om, Deepika has been roped in by various directors for their forthcoming ventures. We tried to get in touch with Deepika and spoke to her manager Tiya, who informed us that Deepika will only be back in Mumbai in July!

“Deepika is currently in Bangkok as she is shooting for Chandni Chowk to China with Akshay Kumar. She’ll be in Bangkok till 15th of May. Post that its destination Venice, as she will then go to shoot for Yash Raj’s song...The song from Siddharth Anand’s ‘Bachna Eh Haseeno’ with Ranbir. Once she is done with that she will start shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s next romantic film with Saif Ali Khan for the latter’s home production. Thus, she will only be back in Mumbai in July!” said Tiya.

Deepika’s become so busy that she has no time to meet her boyfriend of late! She did manage to buy a house close to Ranbir’s in Bandra, Mumbai but as circumstances would have it, has no time to stay there! Ranbir even dropped in on the sets of Chandni Chowk to China once to spend time with Deepika!

Only time will see how Deepika, who is in her early twenties manages to make time for her personal life too!